OpenNebula Attach Additional Storage To A Virtual Machine

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  1. Log into OpenNebula Sunstone.
  2. You can attach and existing disk image or you can create a new one.
  3. Go to “Instances” in the left menu and click on “VMs” in the drop down menu.
    VM menu.png

  4. Click on the virtual machine you need to add the storage and go to "Storage" menu.
    Vm storage menu.png

  5. Click on the "Attach Disk" button. A flyout will appear where you can select the image you want to attach.
    Vm attach disk.png

  6. Click on "Advanced Option" and select "none" as cache option.
    Warning: without that option, a VM cannot be live migrated. In case the host (server on which the VM is running on) needs to be taken out for maintenance your VM will have to be shutdown.
    Attach cache.png

  7. Click on the "Attach" button to add the storage to the Virtual Machine.

  8. If you want to have the storage attached to the virtual machine next time it is instantiated, you must update the machine's template accordingly. See Configure Template.